BizHat provides you Free File hosting service that pay you to use the free service. Once you signed up, you will get special referral url, that you can post in forums or send to your friends. You will get paid for each users you refer.
Signup Bonus
We will pay $1.00 as signup bonus when you signup of BizHat Free File Hosting.
Referral Payments
You can invite all your friends to join BizHat and earn cash! You will get $0.10 for every referred user who confirms his account and upload a file.
For example, if you refer 20 friends and 10 of the confirm their account you will make $1.00
Payment For File Downloads
When someone downloads your file, we will pay you for these downloads.
Payment for download depends on quality of traffic and how much advertiser pay for traffic. Payments are calculated daily. Profit (income after expenses) is divided equally between all file downloads. If you have more downloads, you will get paid more.
Redeemed cash will be transferred via PayPal once it reaches $5.00
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